
Mom Among Chaos is a lifestyle blog about being a mom in Michigan. I promote events, products, books, movies, travel, and more. Our target area is Metro Detroit women with children.

Social Media Stats- 81K
Facebook page: 64,000 followers
Twitter: 3,584 followers
Pinterest: 9,200 followers, 1.7 Million Monthly Viewers
Instagram: 2,587 followers
YouTube 629
Blog Followers: Over 500

Blog Views
Currently over 8,000 views per month.

Some of our customers include Meijers, Feld Entertainment, Disney, Palace Sports Entertainment, Ford Field, Groupon, and Olympia Entertainment, Mcdonald's, Aqua-Tots, Guardian Alarm and Revel Nails. 

TV Appearances
Mom Among Chaos has been a guest on 7 Action News This Morning on TV 20.

Advertise with us!
We have packages for blog posts, banners, and social shares. Please inquire about our current rates. We are affordable!

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