Keeping your home or apartment warm and cozy during the colder months of the year can be a tough challenge. Yes, cranking up the heat will work wonders but this means the utility bills will go up as well.
If you are looking for ways to warm up your home this winter season (without breaking your budget), these tips and ideas might serve you well.
Window coverings
Placing heavy curtains on your windows can help keep the warm air in and cold air out this season. There are also available window insulator kits available at your local hardware store. Layering your curtains can also do the trick if you don’t have any type of thick fabric available. You can also use some draft snakes and rubber weather stripping to make sure that the cold temperature won’t easily creep in.
Winter weather means drier air than usual inside your home. And when the air is dry, the temperature could drop instantly. To balance the dryness, you could use humidifiers all around your house. Run your humidifier whenever you are in your room especially if you are about to sleep at night.
Bringing in more lights inside your house can create a warmer feeling. Keep your home well lit especially your living and dining area. Painting a bright color around your home is also one great idea. Bright colors reflect light thus giving your house a more rich and warmer ambiance.
Floor rugs and cozy blankets
Placing thick floor rugs and throw blankets around your home can give comfort and warmth. Floor rugs can cover cold floors and tiles while the throw blankets can be easily used whenever you feel colder than usual.
Change into warmer bedding
The last thing you want is waking up in the middle of the night because of the cold air inside. This is why changing your bedding into a more “winter-ready” one is highly advisable. Remove the thin sheets and replace it with extra and heavy comforters you have. Throw in some extra pillows too so you can snuggle with them anytime you want.
About the Author
Ron is the webmaster of Apartments-For-Rent-In-Michigan.Com. He often writes tips and advice for homeowners, tenants, and landlords. You can visit MichiganHousesOnline.com blog for more information.
Image via Pixabay
Ron is the webmaster of Apartments-For-Rent-In-Michigan.Com. He often writes tips and advice for homeowners, tenants, and landlords. You can visit MichiganHousesOnline.com blog for more information.
Image via Pixabay
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