Theft and burglary are so rampant nowadays. This is why homeowners must make sure that their home is always secured and safe.
Much has been said about installing CCTV and security alarm systems. Yes, they can deter or stop possible burglary and home invasion. But if you live in a neighborhood where theft is on its highest trend, you might want to take your home security one notch ahead.
Here are few security tips and tricks that can help safeguard your home against outside threats.
Check your home with the eyes of a burglar.
Walk around your house from the outside and scout for a possible entryway. Look for weaknesses such as dark and blind corners. Check your windows and see if you can easily spot expensive and valuable items. If yes, you might want to rearrange your interior or install blinds and curtains. You can also contact your local police department and ask them for a quick home security assessment.
Build a fence
If you live in a busy neighborhood, you might want to build a fence. A fence can keep unwanted visitors off your property. Some homeowners who live in high crime rate neighborhoods build a concrete wall with sharply pointed metals on top of it.
Know your neighbors
Know and be friends with your neighbors. Your neighbors can become your best asset in preventing theft and burglary especially when you are not at home. They can look out for the property when you are out and on vacation.
Change locks
If you are moving into a new place, immediately change the locks or ask your landlord (if you are renting) to change it for you. Even if the old homeowner or tenant already returned the original keys, you won’t know if duplicates are made and distributed to other people.
Don’t label your keys.
If you lost your keys and they are labeled accordingly, then you have a big problem especially if your wallet and ID are lost with it. Thieves can visit your place anytime they want and use your keys to open up each and every door easily.
Don’t let the world know about your vacation or trip.
Don’t post your upcoming trip on your social media accounts. Don’t let possible thieves know that your house will be empty for quite some time. The same thing goes with your answering machine. Don’t leave a recorded message on it that says you are out and won’t be back after a week or so.
Don’t let your mail pile up.
If you are gone for a month or so, ask someone you know (your neighbors maybe) to take care of your mailbox. Ask them to pick up the letters or even packages that will come to your door. You can also ask your local post office to hold all of your mail until you are back. Remember, a pile-up of mail and delivery packages on your doorstep is a huge sign that no one is around.
Home invasion, theft, and burglary happen daily, and you won’t know when it will hit your property. But if you follow these security tips, criminals will have a tough time (and they will surely think twice) breaking into your house.
About the Author
Ron is the webmaster of Apartments-For-Rent-In-Michigan.Com. He often writes tips and advice for homeowners, tenants, and landlords. You can visit this blog for more information.
Image via Pixabay
Ron is the webmaster of Apartments-For-Rent-In-Michigan.Com. He often writes tips and advice for homeowners, tenants, and landlords. You can visit this blog for more information.
Image via Pixabay
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