Do you suffer from post holiday blues? I've seen so many people on social media depressed after the holidays. All of the hustle and bustle is over, now what? Here are some activities to lift your mood.
Get active. Physical activity lifts your spirit and makes you feel fabulous. I don't get the holiday blues, but I suffer from seasonal depression, usually from January to March. When I start getting the blah's, I know it's time to up my workouts. Don't let yourself get bored. Switch up your routine. YouTube has a great channel called BeFit. It has tons of popular workout videos.
Keeping a journal is a great release, along with prayer. Having an outlet to release your feelings is essential for inner peace. If your mind is constantly spinning like a hamster wheel, either pray or journal. Lately, I have been relying more on prayer, but a journal is great so you know how much you've grown.
Plan a date out with your husband or girlfriends. Nothing feels better than belly laughs with people you care about. Get out, connect, or even reconnect.
Volunteer. Sometimes depression can be cured by being selfless. In today's day and age everyone seems to be focused on oneself. Take the focus off you. Here are some ideas.
Local dog shelter
Soup kitchen
Habitat for humanity
Senior home
Driving sick people to appointments
There are so many options based on your strengths and likes.
Get some sun! In the winter months some of us don't get enough sunlight. I am one of them. Michigan is very gray during the winter months. When I actually see the sun out, I will try to read next to the window. I also have a happy light that simulates the sun. The one I use is called Omega Sunlight SAD Light Therapy (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Super Bright
Gratitude is also a great way to beat the blues. Before I go to bed and get up in the morning I list everything that I am thankful for. Even on your worst day there is always something to be grateful for.
Gratitude is also a great way to beat the blues. Before I go to bed and get up in the morning I list everything that I am thankful for. Even on your worst day there is always something to be grateful for.
Visit your doctor if you can't shake the blues. There are so many different options to help you nowadays.
Find more motivating suggestions here: Make a Difference Monday
Find more motivating suggestions here: Make a Difference Monday
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