Detroit Zoo Zoomance Review

Last night was a beautiful night.  The weather was perfect. Stephanie and I were able to attend the Zoomance at the Detroit Zoo.

What is a Zoomance you might ask?  Zoomance is for 21 and up.  You can stroll through the Zoo kid free with a cocktail in your hand if you wish.  It really is a perfect evening out.

The animals were really active last night.  We were able to get super close to the giraffes and the kangaroos.
Mom Among Chaos
 This beautiful giraffe was getting fed leaves from a zoo keeper.  He was really enjoying himself.  They couldn't give him leaves fast enough.  It was a once in a lifetime experience getting that close.  He truly was a majestic animal.  I could have watched for hours.
Mom Among Chaos
 The kangaroos were very active.  They were hopping right on to the walking path.  There was a few joeys.  Mommy kangaroo was very protective when the baby went over to the walking path.  Watching the kangaroos was such an unique experience.  They walk and hop really oddly.

Mom Among Chaos
Would I recommend Zoomance? Yes, I would!  It is so beautiful and peaceful.  It's at a perfect time.  The lighting at that time of evening is perfect for pictures and the animals are active.  There is a bar, live music, Zookeeper talks, and much more.

Are you worried that you missed a wonderful event?  Don't worry there is another date approaching.  Summer Zoomance is also happening on 8/21/14 from 6-9.  You can purchase tickets, or find out more information about the event here.  


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